VITALI e WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO con l’odio non c’è futuro!
I nostri campionissimi così generosi per la costruzione del futuro dell’Ucraina.
ieri WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO in sostegno del suo popolo ucraino, in ogni modo da man forte a suo fratello VITALI qua il messaggio ai russi.
VITALI e WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO con l’odio non c’è futuro!
oggi h 12:30 in Kiev, 12 Marzo il Sindaco di Kiev, VITALI KLITSCHKO ha scritto:
Qua il dolore di VITALI KLITSCHKO per i suoi colleghi di oggi, il sindaco già prigioniero russo, e uno ucciso. L’assassinio del sindaco di Gostomel Yuri Prylypko e fatto prigioniero il sindaco di Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov.
La vera generosità viene dal cuore.
Qua ancora WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO in riconoscenza al ricco supporto della GERMANIA, che tanto ha amato le loro imprese sportive nei ring tedeschi, ma anche nel resto del mondo, di questi due sensazionali Campioni di Boxe, oggi in difesa, sul territorio, della loro terra, l’Ucraina.
A Kiev, di sicuro lo hanno voluto loro questo Museo dedicato alla Boxe, qua a sx WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO addita a JOE “smokin’s” FRAZIER. Quattro immensi professionisti. VITALI KLITSCHKO indica MUHAMMAD ALI. Da dilettanti, sia Muhammad Ali che Joe Frazier che Wladimir Klitschko hanno conquistato Medaglie d’Oro ai Giochi Olimpici. Ali Roma 1960, Frazier Tokyo 1964, e Wladimir Klitschko Altanta 1996. VITALI KLITSCHKO percorso normale, da dilettante direttamente al professionismo. Tutti hanno conquistato la cintura del titolo del Mondo delle prestigiose organizzazioni professionali, nella categoria dei Pesi Massimi, WBC, WBA, WBO, IBF ??In Kyiv, they certainly wanted this Museum dedicated to Boxing, here on the left WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO points to JOE “smokin’s” FRAZIER. Four immense professional fighters. VITALI KLITSCHKO point to MUHAMMAD ALI. As amateurs, Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, and Wladimir Klitschko won Gold Medals at the Olympic Games. Ali Roma 1960, Frazier Tokyo 1964, and Wladimir Klitschko Altanta 1996. VITALI KLITSCHKO from amaterus direct to profesionalism. All have won the Heavy Weights World title belts of the prestigious professional organizations WBC, WBA, WBO, IBF
Qua sono con Joe “smokin’s” Frazier, sui gradini dell’Art Museum di Filadelfia. Eh quanto Cuore e Storia nella Cultura Sportiva!??Here I’m with Joe “smokin’s” Frazier, on the very steps of Art Musem in Philadelphia. Oh how much Heart and History in Sports Culture!
… qua in italiano il link del mio AudioLibro IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI – il pugilato è violento ma la violenza non è pugilato- http://bit.ly/2Y4zyZr
VITALI and WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO with hate there is no future!
Our Champions are so generous in building the future of Ukraine.
yesterday WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO in support of his Ukrainian people, helping in all way his brother VITALI, here the message to the Russians.
“My brother Vladimir addressed the Russians:
It is not we who came to your land! You are killing our children, bombing and razing our cities and homes!
Imperial ambitions, the invasion of Ukraine, and the barbarism of your so-called army have sown hatred for centuries.”
VITALI and WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO with hate there is no future!
today h 12:30 in Kyiv, March 12th, Mayor VITALI KLITSCHKO wrote:
Here is the pain of VITALI KLITSCHKO for his todayìs colleagues, the Mayor already a Russian prisoner, and one killed. The assassination of Mayor of Gostomel Yuri Prylypko, and took prisoner the Mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov.
“Friends! Dear Kievans!
The capital, next to which the fighting is taking place, is preparing for defense.
We continue to strengthen roadblocks.
Create reserves of products, medicines, and basic necessities.
In addition, already on the third day of the capital helps the Kyiv region in the evacuation of the residents of Gostomel, Buchi, Vorzel, Irpin â.
The city provides passenger-bus transport. And Kyiv rescuers meet people at the train station. And those who want to leave Kyiv are sent on trains to western Ukraine.
We continue to guarantee the work of the critical infrastructures of the city, the livelihood of the capital.
In addition, as the head of the Association of Cities of Ukraine, I want to draw the attention of international organizations, associations of mayors of democratic countries to the bandit actions of the Russian occupiers. Who were kidnapped yesterday – taken prisoner – Mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov.
Occupy the city, the community is left without its elected leader! Paralyze Melitopol’s life insurance and demoralize and win over local residents.
This is an act of terrorism! Russia is trying to destroy the legally elected power in Ukraine, which protects the interests of peaceful residents!
Moreover, today mayors of cities and towns guarantee their livelihood. Delivery of humanitarian aid, evacuation of the population from where the enemy shoots, bombs, and kills.
A few days ago, the head of the Gostomel community Yuri Prylypko was killed while distributing food and medicine to people.
The orcs saw the courage and sincerity of organized Ukrainians fighting for their land. So now they’re trying to wreak havoc by blowing up the control vertical.
In no way will you not bring the Ukrainian people to their knees! Ukrainians are not afraid and even in the occupied cities, they come out unarmed for actions against the occupiers.
We will chase you out of every drop of our land! We will not give up!
Together we will stand! Glory to Ukraine!”
True generosity comes from the heart.
Here again WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO in gratitude to the rich support of GERMANY, which loved so much their sporting achievements in the German rings, but also in the rest of the world, of these two sensational Boxing Champions, today in defense, on the territory, of their land, Ukraine.
“Over 100 million euros from German companies and German citizens we have turned to support Kyiv, Ukraine, and its defenders!
Funds and tons of humanitarian aid have been raised, mainly thanks to German television broadcasts.
My brother and I are sincerely grateful to everyone who supports our country today, our defenders, the Ukrainian people!
And we continue to involve aid where we can and how we can.”