La Forza degli Argomenti vissuti sino in fondo. Vi aspetto. **The Force of Arguments lived to the end.

????La Forza degli Argomenti vissuti sino in fondo.

Vi aspetto – Libreria Popolare di Via Tadino, 18 Milano – 20 dicembre ore 21:00 –  vostra GG

??The Force of  the Arguments lived to the end. I wait for you, your GG

Milanese, author/director, actress, ring-side, expert in the best arenas, in the capitals of Boxing world.

Passionate daughter and knowledgeable of Noble Art, with her book through a century of history, Gianna pays tribute to our greatest Italian, Boxing Champion ever Giancarlo Garbelli.
Star of epic fights. Champion among the greatest in the world.
“Tightrope Walker of the Ring, He born with the talent. Difficulties draws his philosophical thought,
pain motivation to be the best. The pain of the soul and physical pain feed and intertwine, meanwhile
the plot of life unravels.

My Dad Giancarlo, transmitted to me the boxing virus,
the ethics of power that comes from the depths.

He so immense Hero of the Ring,
my inspiration,  with all the weight of his soul  so awesome! This is his legacy.”